Sunday, August 26, 2007


Hmmm.. hope you have been habitual of my writings, isn't it????Anyways this time I ve something special to share!

Here I DARE to present you the personality of a INTANGIBLE PERSON who tests you against your PROGRAMMING SKILLS but nowhere else (in my knowledge) than OUR CDAC(formerly NCST). So if you are quite confident about such skills; mind my words; this is something which will surely force you to RETHINK about your thoughts about yourself!
Yes please welcome MR.PARIKSHAK....

I can understand what you are thinking rightnow that Im challenging Individuals' on such a global portal even without knowing their INTELLIGENCE but seriously in such a short span of my stay here in CDAC bangalore, I am confirmed about my statement...To test it, what you all need to do is to get into any of the CDAC which conducts PGDST/FPGDST courses and the rest of procedure will go on further.

This is all about what I feel continuously just like other NCSTians(or say CDACians). Actually for getting through the courses We've to clear some MGPAs & MGPTs ("MACHINE GRADED PROGRAMMING ASSIGNMENT & TEST") where you are tested by an environment which is quite restricted in nature. Desired outputs are being tested against the pre-defined inputs, except this not even a single space id required!

Then comes the importance of ALL "Y"s:- After the evaluation, if PARIKSHAK is HAPPY it'll GRADE you with ALL Y's else ready for suffering from the TRAUMA of X's(means wrong output produced for respective input)!So anyhow in our daily routines We are in the habit of accepting the acknowledgements of success and failure in the terms of X & Y..

Actually behind the production of great skills in the Individuals, this PARIKSHAK is the main KEY PLAYER.. If we talk upon the quality, no-one can challenge the intelligence of a perfact CDACians!

We are on this way but THERE IS LOT MORE TO GO....

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