Friday, September 7, 2007



"I didnt get What I DESERVED(or DESIRED)..."

This is something which is a very general problem from which every human being get suffered atleast once in his/her life! It doesn't mean that I am not one of them as I took this topic for writing; after all Im also a human so how can I be different from my species! Im just trying to elaborate it briefly.

This inferiority complex commonly develops when we get failed in a task which would be expecting to get completed as we felt that we donated a lot to the same...This is purely NATURAL, I mean Almighty made this function DEFAULT for us! The difference lies in the AFTER WARD REACTIONS of the suffered people; some of them take it seriously in a positive manner and some takes it otherwise.

What the necessary point here; which requires to get the attention is "DESIRE" is something quite different from "DESERVE". People often get confused between these two words! When they fail, they interchangeably use these words like " but I deserved it.." in place of "I desired it!"

They just blame upon the other things but they forget to PEEP INTO THEMSELVES for their faults behind the failure. They dont put much efforts as required for the desired result and make mistake of thinking themselves AS A DESERVING FOR THE DESIRED OUTPUT~!(Already told that I am also one of them...Oh God! please bless me the ability to follow what Im writing and suggesting others to do!)

Desires are the never ending process which goes on incrementing every moment, sometime desire of achieving something and the other time want of achiving the other things!

If you wish to get rid of this complex, You can do one thing... Simply SELECT THE PREFERENCE among your desires according to your CAPACITY of getting involved into that for the best results (in our context better to say for the desired result...)!

This will help you in the selection of a prior thing among the things, and also the best remedy for fighting with THIS VERY COMMON DESEASE...So take care and KEEP DISTANCE FROM THIS DESEASE!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Output vs The way you do!

HI to all!

Here I am trying to seek your attention on the topic which almost everytime gets remained behind the curtain! OUTPUT vs THE WAY YOU DO...

I mean, some of the people give emphasis on the way the task is getting done and some of them stress on the OUTPUT only, they neglect the implications behind the output! They may follow the wrong path just to achive the Objective..In my views, This is absolutely wrong!

Actually I am not any SUPER PERSONA to decide what is right or what is wrong? But according to our culture( and you may say, accordance derived from our VEDAS, PURANAS) THE METHOD YOU APPLY TO GET THE TARGET IS ALSO HAVING AN EQUAL IMPORTANCE!

Suppose you have given a task, there is two main ways to get through. One is passing through without hurting ETHICAL and MORAL values but it takes time. The other one is a shortcut but it voilates what is being tought us since our birth by our Parents, GrandParents! So it's obvious most of the people opt the other one(Short one). But if we peep into their deeps, there would be lots of quarrel taken place place over there before choosing the OUTPUT way!Because it's not very easy to go wrong side first time.. Even a criminal feels the trumbling feeling of to do a crime or not to do..

These crimes is not meant by like murdering someone, theiving something or hurting someone. It can be simpler like our daily routine simple like that!

It's not that easy, that you just gone through this blog and you are done with it. It's not like that, you have to follow this APPLICATION in every sphere of your life, start from today even from this moment! And dont stop till the end...

Believe me, it does not just help in shaping your Ethical values but it also improves your WAY to LOOK a particular target!whether it relates to your personnel life or professional life..

So if you are under the category of believing in OUTPUT only, please change the track! Dont place yourself in that category, Start believing on the methods of getting the desired output...

Learn, How To Learn!

Hey friends!

Again I am here to disturb you a little!This time I am going to give you an idea (even you already have..)-An IDEA which can change your LIFE...

In fact these days I am also working upon the same and getting the benefit so I thought to PUBLISH this one for the PUBLIC WELFARE(this is the only way to reduce my EVIL-DEEDS, did in the past..hahahahhaha)!

This IDEA is about to LEARN:--the things you dont know,-the things even you know but the way you do is more complex than others do!Learning is a process WHICH LASTS LONG YOUR WHOLE LIFE even after that..

First of all, come to the FIRST PART of the above sentence "LIFE LONG PROCESS". Actaully all know that no one can be PERFECT, so there exists atleast a single thing in an Individual about which he does not know much like other fields he knows! So it's required to work upon those fields so that to enhance your SKILLs-SET.

Then for the SECOND PART of the sentence, you are thinking how, how can it be "after that"?Actually that learning process "after that" sets an example for others for avoiding the mistakes that person did in his life...

To learn something, you have to concentrate just upon a single thing that how one(the person to whom you want to learn) does the same thing! Ofcourse the same amount of POTENTIAL the person is applying for the completion of the job is also required in YOUR DEEP!

One more thing, there is no bar upon the criteria to whom you learn, how you learn and where you leran from! To learn, means the objective is the MAIN ISSUE TO LEARN anyhow..Even a teacher can learn from a student! And An ideal teacher implies this rule in himself..UNTILL or UNLESS YOU ARE LACKING IN LEARNING , HOW CAN YOU MAKE OTHERS LEARNING SOMETHING FROM YOU...

This helps you a lot everywhere in your life! Even I was not giving required attention upon this topic but after coming in CDAC when I encountered with lots of people(guys n gals including FACULTIES) I started LEARNING phenomenon in myself, still doing the same and will keep doing it till the end...

So, from when you are going to start the activity of Learning???