Sunday, September 2, 2007

Output vs The way you do!

HI to all!

Here I am trying to seek your attention on the topic which almost everytime gets remained behind the curtain! OUTPUT vs THE WAY YOU DO...

I mean, some of the people give emphasis on the way the task is getting done and some of them stress on the OUTPUT only, they neglect the implications behind the output! They may follow the wrong path just to achive the Objective..In my views, This is absolutely wrong!

Actually I am not any SUPER PERSONA to decide what is right or what is wrong? But according to our culture( and you may say, accordance derived from our VEDAS, PURANAS) THE METHOD YOU APPLY TO GET THE TARGET IS ALSO HAVING AN EQUAL IMPORTANCE!

Suppose you have given a task, there is two main ways to get through. One is passing through without hurting ETHICAL and MORAL values but it takes time. The other one is a shortcut but it voilates what is being tought us since our birth by our Parents, GrandParents! So it's obvious most of the people opt the other one(Short one). But if we peep into their deeps, there would be lots of quarrel taken place place over there before choosing the OUTPUT way!Because it's not very easy to go wrong side first time.. Even a criminal feels the trumbling feeling of to do a crime or not to do..

These crimes is not meant by like murdering someone, theiving something or hurting someone. It can be simpler like our daily routine simple like that!

It's not that easy, that you just gone through this blog and you are done with it. It's not like that, you have to follow this APPLICATION in every sphere of your life, start from today even from this moment! And dont stop till the end...

Believe me, it does not just help in shaping your Ethical values but it also improves your WAY to LOOK a particular target!whether it relates to your personnel life or professional life..

So if you are under the category of believing in OUTPUT only, please change the track! Dont place yourself in that category, Start believing on the methods of getting the desired output...

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